TEL: (781) 249-3410 |
A division of Armsraised Design LLC |
FAX: (978) 532-2323 |
Order form for exact letter sizes
Any order submitted will not be processed until one of our sales associates
contacts you and arranges payment (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, or
prepayment.) An open account can be established by contacting our office. You
can also download the order form.
Remember you can always call (781) 249-3410. Real people answer the phone.
You will be contacted within hours via phone or e-mail after we receive your
Amount of order |
UPS Ground |
Next day and two-day services via UPS or USPS available for $10.00 and up
depending on weight of order, service type and carrier.
$1.00 - $30.00 |
$7.00 |
$31.00 - $150.00 |
$8.00 & up |
$151.00 + |
No charge for UPS Ground |